sacred arching BLUE of heaven
tearing all itself apart
enter aether's vacuum cold
hunger rushing in & out
GREEN of life exposed
shrivelling BROWN beneath
the ultra's violent RED
spectrums... wavelengths... decomposing
mathematics lost in solar wind
sonic landscapes crackling PINK
noise's nondescriptive din
liquids sickened SILVER-sweet
hissing hot resentments
sucked evaporating up through
howling PURPLish thermal whorls
fallen YELLOW mother of day
bleached a stark & godless WHITE
screaming nuclear sword across
the breast of nature bared
searing senses soddered shut
blank reflections... boiling tones
aftermaths of random static
spurts & mute frissons of absolute
thisless thatless artless void
aspects of thing subtracted
down to a single hue -
neutral & true
(like a photo of the moon)
one... last...
GREY rainbow
one last law of motion one last
faint irradiated human point of view...
and the great sparkling BLACK of eternity
present all the while just
hidden & unconscious
coming forth
full in glory
like a
negative sunrise
over all